03-06-2017: Oscar Scherer State Park

Deeny and I had a very lazy day on Sunday.  We spent the day at her house watching TV and talking.  Christine’s sister DeLuna came to pick up Christine and they went off to church, came back to Deeny’s for lunch and then went off to DeLuna’s apartment.

The remainder of the day was low key and enjoyable being with Deeny.

On Monday, Deeny went off to teach a pottery class and Christine spent the morning catching up on stuff with her business and personal stuff.  I lazed around and finished reading a crime novel.  Deeny came home and we had lunch and then set off on a visit to Oscar Scherer State Park.

On our way out of Deeny’s development, we saw a couple of sandhill cranes, a really lovely thing to see.

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Sandhill cranes

This is a small state park just north of Venice.  One of its claims to fame is that it is home to a somewhat rare bird, the Florida scrub jay, and a turtle, the gopher tortoise.  We chose to walk along the scrub jay trail, which turned out to be a very sandy walk.

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Deeny and Christine

We did see one scrub jay, a very pretty blue and white bird.  When not flying, it takes these huge hops along the ground and it made me laugh.  Unfortunately, the bird we saw did not cooperate in standing still enough to get a good picture.  But we did get to see a scrub jay.

We then walked around Osprey Lake, a small lake near a nature center.  It was such a pretty day, not too hot, a very nice breeze and enough cloud cover so that the sun didn’t bake us.

Christine and I then decided to walk the South Creek Trail while Deeny drove to the end of the trail to meet us.  This was a short half-mile walk along the creek.  To our right was scrub grass and to our left was very thick scrub forest along the creek.  Across the creek was a very nice looking camping area.  We enjoyed our short walk.

We met up with Deeny and ended our visit to Oscar Scherer State Park.  We set off to do some grocery shopping, making stops at 3 different places  to get their specialty items, like strawberries, which are in season here.

Back at Deeny’s we fixed dinner, which was salmon, rice pilaf and salad, a lovely meal.  And now we’re watching Rachel Maddow and catching up on the latest chaos in the political world.  It has been a really nice day, but I fear that we exhausted Deeny.  Tomorrow, we’ll be hooking up with DeLuna and will be visiting Spanish Point, another lovely place.














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