07-14-2017: AHDI Conference and Fiesta Noche del Rio

Just so you know that we really did do some work at this conference, here are a couple of photos to prove it.

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Christine and Judy Lichtenberger at the TQAudit table

Christine had a positive result from the conference.  Several prospective customers indicated funding success in their hospitals, so Christine will be working hard this fall doing new customer installations.  She also teamed up with a couple who will be able to provide great IT and marketing assistance, a very, very positive success.

I gave my presentation titled, Are Medical Errors Really the Third Leading Cause of Death in America?  Not a fun subject, nevertheless, an important subject for stimulating patient safety improvement in our healthcare systems.  The answer to the question is, we have no way of knowing what harms are caused by medical errors because there is no standardized definition of a medical error and no clear way to collect data about medical errors.

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Linda giving her presentation

Friday evening Christine and I did a really fun thing.  Christine had said earlier in the week that she wanted to see some Spanish dancing.  Lo and behold, Friday night the Kiwanis Club in San Antonio was sponsoring Fiesta Noche del Rio at the Arneson River Theater which we can almost see from the balcony of our room.  I purchased tickets online for the show.

The Arneson River Theater is an outdoor stage on one side of the river with seating across the river.  Pedestrian traffic is blocked off during the show, but the river boats continue to come through between the stage and audience.

The Fiesta Noche del Rio is a wonderful collection of Spanish and Mexican singing and dancing, some from the stage, some in front of the seating area and some across the lovely pedestrian bridge near the theater.  Most of the music is rousing so everyone in the audience really gets into it, dancing and singing along.  The costumes are colorful with many quick changes.  To begin the show was a fantastic flamenco guitarist.  He was superb.  The male and female lead singers were entertaining.  But I loved the mariachi band that spanned the bridge.  They were really great.  It was a really fun evening of entertainment.

So, we still had some fun while attending to business.

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