09-22-2018: Sun and Sea

We had a wonderful day basking in the sun and sea.  We started with a grand breakfast, which is included in the room charge.  The location for the breakfast is this lovely windowed room overlooking the sea.  It’s quite a sun room.

Just about anything you could imagine having for breakfast was available, all smartly laid out on tables around the room.  And let me just say the pastries were out of this world.

After breakfast we suited up and headed down to the lounge area near the sea pool.  There are several tiers of lounge areas, all with umbrellas and loungers.  We staked out our space, but later moved when people vacated a better spot, closer to the edge where we had a great sea view.  The sea was wonderful, so clear and clean.  It was a bit more wavy today, but only with rolling swells, nothing that really knocked one around.

We really did very little today other than swim and lounge around.  It was just perfect.

Our spot

I thought many times today how lucky we are and how blessed we are to be able to take a trip like this.

Later in the afternoon we returned to our room and did research on tours to the places we are most interested in.  For the next 3 days we’re going to be on the go, so a lazy day was good.

For dinner we walked a short distance to a restaurant.  We forget that Italians eat late and so we were seated but told dinner service didn’t begin until 7:30 but we could get pizza starting at 7:00.  We sat there for about 30 minutes, from 6:50 until 7:20 and no server came over to our table, not even to take a drink order.  So, we got up and left and walked down the street to another place we saw.  At first, we were practically the only people in the place, but over the next hour, the place became a beehive of activity.  It was a happening place, and full of locals, so we knew it was good.  We had a great salad and a porcina pizza.  It was very good.

So now we’re back in our room doing our nightly things, me blogging and Christine working on her spreadsheet of expenses.  As I said, the next 3 days will be touring; tomorrow we’ll be attempting to get ourselves to Catania, the old city, by train.  They don’t speak much English here in Sicily so we’ll see how well be do at the ticket kiosk buying our train tickets.  The train station is about a 20 minutes walk from our hotel.  That will be the first test – can we find the train station?

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