This is our, Christine and Linda’s, blog about the adventures we will have as we enjoy life to its fullest. Christine has now joined Linda in retirement. So now we can trip the light fantastic and go out and explore the world, both near and far without having to worry about taking Christine’s software development business along with us. As we do this, we will post our experiences on this blog. Mostly, we’re doing this blog so that our friends and family can join us, at least vicariously, as we enjoy life and live our dreams. However, the more trips we take, we find that this blog is really serving as a memory book for us. We frequently search through posts to remember something we did or saw. This is now our memory blog, but we’re inviting you to join us as we travel both near and far.

I love that you are doing this blog, and that you are living your life’s dreams! Blessings to the two of you.
I love reading about your fabulous adventures, and that you share all that you see, feel about and care about where your hearts take you. I smile with all of your photos, and written tales and quips. And yet, I miss playing music with Linda. Maybe someday? Autumn